Rabu, 30 November 2016

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp

Non-Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss Eksp
For those who are struggling to lose weight, a new solution might be an alternative. Wearing this method, a small balloon is inserted into the stomach to prevent overeating.
This method is rather simple does not need surgery. The balloon was filled with salt water. Left to fill the stomach for up to six months, the balloon was useful regulate eating so that the wearer feel full sooner. As a result, the wearer will experience weight loss express.
Tools named Orbera is designed for patients who have a body mass index of 30 to 40. This is the index for those who are severely obese.
This method is suitable for those who have already tried various diet and exercise, but failed.
Orbera inserted through a non-surgical procedure that only takes about 30 minutes. Here, the patient is given a mild anesthetic to relax yourself so that the device can be inserted through an endoscope stomach.
Endoscope is a medical instrument used long and thin to look cavity or organ. Doctors menyeipkan deflated balloon through the mouth into the stomach. After the balloon entered, in which salt water is filled into making balloon inflates.
The amount of salt water can be adjusted by the wearer's body structure. During the first six months, the balloon in the stomach to control portions. During that time and for the next six months, patients also receive training to apply a healthy diet and exercise.
The program is designed to instill healthy habits so that the perpetrators will continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Orbera was first tested in a clinical trial that followed 255 patients for a year. Of that group, 125 earn Orbera in the stomach for six months. Equipment was taken six months later, although patients are followed for six months as well.
A total of 130 other patients participating in a behavior modification program year, but did not get the balloon in the stomach.
The study found that patients with Orbera successful weight loss average of 10 kg, or 10.2 percent of their body weight after getting the device for six months. Three months after the tool was taken, they maintain an average of 9 kg weight loss.
However, patients who did not receive the device only experienced an average weight loss of 3 kg. That equates to 3.3 percent of their body weight.

green coffee bean

Senin, 07 November 2016

Walking Every Day More Effectively Lose Weight

Walking Every Day More Effectively Lose Weight
Want to trim and toned body? Researchers from the London School of Economics found that those leisurely walk for 30 minutes every day tend to have a body mass index lower, even of those who diligently worked in the gym.

The key is, walking should be a regular activity, said Deazie Gibson, fitness instructor Acacia TV.

"" Not only keep you interested and motivated, but also can speed up your weight loss. ""

In fact, a study published in Biology Lettersshows mention that run at speeds varying more effectively burn calories as much as 20% compared to walking at a steady pace.

To help streamline the weight loss program and adds an element of fun, follow the walking program for the week below.

How fast do you have to go? Measure your efforts, or the level of energy released (RPE), using a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 as an all-out effort you.

Monday: Walk fast (in a scale of six) for 20 to 30 minutes. You should be a little above your comfort zone.

Tuesday: Pump your heart with interval training: 30 seconds faster path (a scale of seven or eight) proceed with a 30 second walk of moderate (scale of four), for 20 to 30 minutes.

Wednesday: Do challenges and excitement interchangeably. Every three minutes, stopping to perform the following interval training, go on for 30 seconds: lunges, push-ups, running with elevated knee, jumping jacks, squat. Repeat for a total of 20-30 minutes.

Thursday: Train hand and shoulder to walk using a resistance band. Every three minutes, as he continued walking, hold the end of a resistance band and stretch in the front of the chest at shoulder level. Lalukan 10 to 15 times, then continue on foot scale of six or seven.

Friday: Combine a variety of exercises in the week to a great workout. Make a two-minute leisurely stroll (scale of six), two minute intervals: 30 seconds lunge, squat, followed by a two minute walk a scale of five and 30 seconds resistance band, then two minutes on a scale of seven. Repeat up to a total of 20-30 minutes.

Saturday: Perform a leisurely stroll with friends at a scale of six. Pull in your stomach as he stepped into.

Sunday: 15 minute walk as fast as you can.
smart detox di semarang

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Vitamin C Turunkan Kandungan Asam Urat


Vitamin C Turunkan Kandungan Asam Urat

VITAMIN C nyatanya tidak cuma bagus untuk melakukan perbaikan keadaan badan selesai operasi atau waktu lemah, tetapi juga baik untuk mereka yang menanggung derita penyakit asam urat atau gout, satu bentuk rematik yang mengakibatkan timbulnya peradangan pada sendi-sendi. Konsumsi vitamin C sediakan alternatif lain yang berguna dalam menghindar penyakit asam urat, terang Dr. Hyon Choi serta koleganya dari kampus British Columbia di Vancouver, Kanada. Korban-korban penyakit gout mempunyai ciri umumnya berumur 40-an atau lebih serta pria, walau terkadang juga wanita. Vitamin C disebutkan beberapa pakar ini bisa menurunkan kandungan asam urat dalam darah. Gout, adalah penyakit yang bisa mengakibatkan rusaknya permanen pada sendi serta berkaitan dengan penyalahgunaan alkohol, kegemukan, desakan darah tinggi serta diet tinggi daging dan keju. Di Amerika Serikat, penyakit ini hampir menyerang sekitaran 3 juta warga. Satu observasi atas 47. 000 pria Amerika dari th. 1986 sampai 2006 dengan bermacam permasalahan kesehatan temukan kalau tiap-tiap 500 mg vitamin C yang dikonsumsi menurunkan resiko terserang gout sampai 17 %. Disamping itu. sekitaran 70 mg vitamin C bisa Anda dapatkan dari satu jeruk. Konsentrasi lebih tinggi bisa didapat dari pil suplemen. Resiko semakin menyusut sampai 45 % untuk mereka yang konsumsi Vitamin C 1. 500 mg /hari di banding mereka yang konsumsi 250 mg /hari, kata tim yang dikepalai Choi yang saat ini mengajar di Kampus Boston, Amerika Serikat.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Hai Ibu, Ingin Turun Berat Badan 20 Kg Sesudah Melahirkan? Ini Panduan dari Lucia

smart detox pekanbaru

Hai Ibu, Ingin Turun Berat Badan 20 Kg Sesudah Melahirkan? Ini Panduan dari Lucia

 Jayapura - Kegemukan sering jadi permasalahan paling utama untuk wanita yang baru melahirkan, demikian halnya yang dihadapi oleh Lucia Ekawati Ikanubun (24). Naik berat Badan sampai nyaris 20 kg. Ia dapat kembalikan berat Badannya seperti awal mulanya. Bagaimana tips-nya? Tersebut di sampaikan wanita kelahiran 12 September 1990 mengenai cerita dietnya sepanjang 8 bln. itu pada detikHealth, seperti ditulis pada Kamis (25/9/2014) : Ini yaitu pengalaman diet saya pasca melahirkan. Mungkin saja terdengar umum, tetapi seseorang wanita yang dapat kembalikan badannya seperti awal mulanya pasca melahirkan yaitu hal yang begitu mengagumkan. Sebelumnya menikah berat Badan saya yaitu 53 kg, sesudah menikah serta hamil nafsu makan saya jadi tambah. Dalam satu hari saya dapat makan hingga 4 kali dengan sekali makan dapat lebih hingga 2 kali dengan jumlah nasi yang begitu banyak. Tidak heran berat Badan saya waktu itu juga melonjak hingga jadi 71 kg. Saya juga mengambil keputusan pasca melahirkan saya mesti dapat menurunkan berat Badan. Sesudah melahirkan, seperti ibu lain saya menginginkan berikan ASI eksklusif. Oleh karenanya untuk pola makan saya belum menggerakkan diet. Namun pada bln. ke-2 pasca melahirkan berat Badan saya berangsur-angsur turun. Makin semangat berikan ASI eksklusif, saya juga lakukan berolahraga kecil, seperti mengajak bermain bayi saya, memandikan, mengajak berjalan-jalan, membersihkan bajunya, serta saya berupaya mengerjakannya semuanya sendiri dengan cara manual. Pada bln. ketiga waktu saya timbang berat saya jadi 58 kg. Sekitaran 6 bln. lalu saya mengambil keputusan untuk mengatur pola makan saya serta tetaplah memberi ASI pada anak saya, meskipun ia telah diberikan makanan pendamping ASI. Diet yang saya kerjakan simpel dengan perbandingan pada nasi + sayur + lauk = 30 + 40 + 30. Lalu saya memperbanyak mengkonsumsi buah-buahan serta kurangi minuman manis dan teh paket. Saya juga memiliki komitmen tidak untuk makan apa pun diatas jam 6 malam. Sebagai ubahnya saya tetaplah minum air putih atau teh tanpa ada gula. Semuanya saya kerjakan selalu sepanjang hingga anak saya berumur 1 th. 4 bln., serta akhirnya sungguh mengagumkan! Berat Badan saya turun jadi 51 kg! Pola makan seperti ini juga selalu saya kerjakan hingga sekarang ini, lantaran menurut saya melindungi berat Badan lebih susah dari pada menurunkannya. Sekian pengalaman diet yang dapat saya untuk, mudah-mudahan dapat berguna untuk semuanya terlebih untuk ibu-ibu yang tengah menurunkan berat Badan pasca melahirkan. Ingatlah kalau ASI itu begitu mengagumkan. Dengan berikan ASI, bayi jadi sehat, berat Badan ibu juga cepat turun apabila dipadukan dengan pola makan yang sehat. (ajg/vta)

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Free Adding Weight to the skinny


Free Adding Weight to the skinny


Jakarta, Adding Board severe in some people may be difficult to lose weight in the obese Agency. Body lean is sometimes considered more healthy when compared obese bodies. However, the Agency chronic severe shortage of alarming when it is a consequence for bad nutrition or medical condition, or have other health problems. If the Agency is very thin, good idea to consult with your doctors and nutrition experts. In consultation with your doctors and nutrition experts, will help increase the weight of the Agency through a healthy way. As taken from MayoClinic, Thursday (25/08/2011), here are healthy ways to add weight to an agency with less Body weight: 1. Eat more lean seringBila Agency, one might will feel full faster. Eat 5-6 small amounts throughout the day plus better than 2-3 times the number of large meal. 2. Determine the rich foods from the diet giziSebagai side (adjust diet) healthy overall, so make sure nutritious foods. The choice of food with high nutrition, including whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products, low-fat source of protein, nuts and seeds. 3. Consumption shakesJangan smoothies and sodas, coffee, and other beverages that contain few calories and low nutritional value. And vice versa, drink smoothies or shakes healthier, especially those made with low-fat milk and fresh juice. In most problems liquid meal replacement beverages might also recommended. Drinking liquid meal replacements plus either 30 minutes before or after meals. It has the objective to avoid the stomach feel full before eating. 4. Give kaloriCamilan dense snack nuts, peanut butter, cheese, dried fruit, and avocado. Combined calorie-dense snacks, including: a. Peanut butter and sandwich jellyb. Sandwich with alpukatc. Sandwich with sliced ??sayurd. Sandwich with daginge. Sandwich with keju5. Give more calories on keseharianTambahkan more calories for daily meals, with a combination of food for example: a. Cheese in casseroleb. Soup and eggs dadarc. Milk without lemak6. Controlling the consumption of sugar and lemakBahkan when the Agency was so skinny, if it lasts realize the advantages of sugar and fat. Controlling diet and also provide nutrients, such as whole grain muffin, yogurt, and fruit pies. 7. OlahragaMelakukan regular exercise, especially exercise ability, could help add weight to the Agency by making the muscles of the body. Exercising can also improve appetite, to be able to help increase the weight of the Agency.

  (Ir / ir)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Quit Smoking Make Weight Body So ​​added, Is it right?

proargi 9

Quit Smoking Make Weight Body So ​​added, Is it right?


Jakarta, One of the popular arguments that make some smokers quit is a fear fat lazy. Yes, some smokers believe that if they stop smoking, their body weight will be added as well to make them get fat. Professor Ron Borland of the Victorian Cancer Council expressed could not believe nor reject this assumption. There are no scientific studies that mention quitting smoking will make the body become more severe. But of testimony as well as his experience as a doctor, assuming it can be called no one. But rest assured, ride ride most kg body weight plus either of the ugly effects of nicotine obtained and smoke to the body, he said, taken from ABC Australia. Read also: Warung Cigarette Away, Opportunity Successfully Quit Smoking MeningkatProf Borland convey the effect of nicotine is pressed between appetite. Beyond that, there is nicotine as well as free radicals from tobacco smoke makes the metabolism of the body to work harder to remove your intention all that some foreign substance. Combined suppression of appetite and metabolism that is harder to make a distress may be only natural to give the weight of the body. When stopped, appetite initially stuck back visible. Smoking is also in the know disrupt the benefits of taste on the tongue. When a person stops smoking, they become easier to feel back in the taste of food that might make them eat more and more, more pri who also worked at the University of Melbourne's. But once again, the scales turned to the right a little bit more better than smoking. According to Prof Borland, the risk weight gain caused by smoking can be avoided if the former smoker wants to change his style so much healthier. One of her is by doing regular exercise, avoid unhealthy snacks as well as looking for the bustle useful. So, the body become more active and burn fat gain also can be healthy. Also try to do a new ritual after meals. For example by brushing or chewing gum. This sort of thing can help you to get rid of the routine of eating very much or snacking, he said. Read also: After Three Month. Stop Smoking, Brain Dopamine Production Back to Normal (mrs / vit)


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

9 Mitos Diet yang Paling Dipercayai Orang

9 Mitos Diet yang Paling Dipercayai Orang 
    Jakarta Untuk beberapa orang     terutama wanita menurunkan berat tubuh bukan hal yang gampang. Butuh sebagian trick serta kepercayaan dalam melindungi pola makan supaya badan tetaplah ideal. 
Tetapi seiring waktu berjalan serta riset beberapa orang yakin sebagian mitos yang harusnya diabaikan. Seperti di sampaikan CEO program makan sehat       Le Bootcamp    Valerie Orsoni. Dia menjelaskanada 9 mitos diet yang masihlah saja salah diaplikasikan orang-orang    seperti diambil Sofeminine     Selasa (16/6/2015) di bawah ini : 1. Mitos : Sarapan paling utama waktu diet 
Baca Juga   
Anda Senantiasa Lapar? Ini Argumennya     
5 Rahasia Orang yang Senantiasa Langsing  
14 Langkah Menurunkan Berat Tubuh Untuk si Repot (1) 
Melupakan sarapan mempunyai dampak besar pada penurunan berat tubuh kita? Valerie menyampaikan tak. Riset tunjukkan      bila Anda tak lapar Anda tak perlu memaksakan diri untuk sarapan. Badan bukanlah mesin. Ada orang yang punya kebiasaan serta tak punya kebiasaan sarapan. Yang utama kita semuanya mesti temukan makanan yang pas hingga Anda lebih sehat.     
1 dari 3 halaman   

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Police Bag Four Strong Evidence Killer Suspect Mirna

Police Bag Four Strong Evidence Killer Suspect Mirna
Wayan death case investigation Mirna Salihin (27), a woman who died after drinking coffee at Cafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta seems to be a point of light. Police claimed to have had strong evidence and are ready to deploy determination of the suspect.
The evidence is strong. From a minimum of two items of evidence that must be bagged, we even had four items of evidence, said Director General of Criminal Investigation Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Krishna, Monday, January 25, 2016.
With its four that evidence, investigators from Subdit Crime and Violence (Jatanras) General Directorate of Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya will soon expose the case in the prosecutor's office.
Later on when the results of exposure to the prosecutor no less complete then we add our title again, but if the prosecutor is okay, we just title for the determination of the suspects, said Krishna.
Krishna said the four that evidence is witness testimony, expert testimony, documents and instructions.
Description of the suspect or the accused when in court, we ignore. Because the value is also the weakest suspect or the accused's testimony, he said.
So far, in order to investigate the death of Mirna, police have checked dozens of witnesses, both friends Mirna, Mirna family, cafe waiters and expert witnesses. The examination of witnesses terssebut to supplement the evidence in the investigations on the alleged existence of a criminal act of murder.
Wayan Mirna Salihin (27) are known to drink coffee along with two friends that Jessica and Hani in Kafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta. Wednesday, January 6, 2016.
After the Vietnamese iced coffee drink, known miRNA directly kejangkejang and removing the foam. Both friends Mirna had requested assistance cafe waiter to bring Mirna to the nearest clinic is located in the mall area.
Mirna was then referred to Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta, after receiving first aid at the clinic mall. However, no sooner arrived at the hospital Abdi Waluyo, Mirna declared dead.
Laboratory results explain, coffee drunk and his side miRNA containing cyanide. To that end the police find out who the perpetrators were put cyanide in drinks Mirna.

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Show off photos Sixpack, Teuku Rassya Look More Cool

Show off photos Sixpack, Teuku Rassya Look More Cool

Teuku Rassya now grown-up and increasingly looks handsome. Where the hell are ga chick hysterical when you see it? As we get older, this cool guy started to follow the mother exist in the entertainment world.

Rassya start popular some years ago that appeared in the afternoon comedy show. Additionally, Teuku Rassya also often appears to be a photo model and walk on the catwalk.

Photo Sixpack Teuku Rassya

Aware of the profession as a public figure, Rassya exercising and keeping in shape body to stay fit and ideal. Backed with a handsome face, now Rassya become the idol of many teenagers.

In the photo, Rassya upload photos with friends while on holiday in Bali. For the size of adolescent age, Rassya classified has a perfect body and a sixpack. Although the photos with poses usually, but Rassya looked different and more cool.

Read: How to shrink the stomach

In the photos Instagramnya, Rassya earned high praise and like hundreds of thousands of followers. Interested in having a sixpack stomach like Teuku Rassya? Come soon burn belly fat and chisel immediately with proper exercise.
Photo Sixpack Teuku Rassya